Gender Roles in Norway | Norwegian Culture

Source: "The Social Guidebook to Norway"

Since I was 12 year old,

I have been told to open doors for women,

to walk on the right side of the sidewalk

 and to pour wine to women first.


When I got to Norway,

women told me they could open doors themselves,

that I should not change side to walk between them and the cars

and they were suspicious that I was trying to get them drunk when pouring them wine!

Norwegian women are independent

Very independent

Gender-based politeness norms are mostly absent in Norway

And it is considered as a good thing

Politeness means something different

When you come from a place where men and women have more defined roles,

Where gallantry is central to gender interactions,

Where men are raised in a masculine role to care and protect,

Where women expect these behaviors from men,

Adaptation to Norway may not be easy.

Norwegians expectations may be confusing.

Gender roles, perception of what good behaviours are and expectations are different in every country.

Our books help you understand better Norwegians' expectations and perceptions of gender roles. 

And how you can explain this to foreign visitors and newcomers so that they appreciate the Norwegian culture as much as possible. 


 Our Social Guidebooks to Norway 




By Julien S. Bourrelle

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