Source: "The Social Guidebook to Norway"
Italians are experts in the art of seduction. They have a unique way to charm by their use of words and the way they express emotions. The world has always been charmed by Italy and Italians.
Frenchmen are not too bad either
But Norwegian men are a little more subtle
“Not only did I notice you have eyes, but I noticed they were blue”
They are telling a woman that they noticed her
Which is a big thing in Norway
Norwegians men know that if they would behave like the French or the Italians
They would risk never see that Norwegian girl again!
Norwegian women are not used to receiving direct compliments
Keep that in mind
They could appreciate it
Or not
Do not overdo it
You may easily scare a Norwegian
"Be sincere in your praise and subtle in your compliments" - Julien S. Bourrelle
Read more about our amazing Norwegian friends and how different they are from Italians an Latin people in Our Social Guidebooks to Norway
By Julien S. Bourrelle
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