Norway is great
Absolutely fantastic
The best country in Scandinavia
We have the best women
The best, absolutely greatest women
Sexy, smart, intelligent, wonderful
You like grabbing?
They can grab balls like no other women
Handball, football, volleyball
They are the best players
Absolutely fantastic
Not like in Sweden
Sweden is terrible, fake country
It is so sad
They have slutstations
Volvo, total disaster
Not even Swedish. Fake.
They fail, really bad
Did not manage to rule us
Complete loser
South of Norway is bad
Very bad
They cannot even speak
Absolute disaster
Norway is tremendous
We are the best at cross-country skiing
In the whole world
Sweden and Denmark
Total losers
Not even real countries
Total disaster
Our secret: lipstick
Absolutely fantastic Italian lipstick
No need to read the label
Just asks the doctor
Alternative facts
Can we say America first and Norway second?
PS: This is satire. It is a parody of a rhetoric used to bring people of different appearance and cultural background away from each other. The exact opposite of what this website and our books are about.