Wondering who Norwegians are? Read The Social Guidebook to Norway on Amazon
Norway is one of the richest country per capita in the world
We got free education
We got free healthcare
And our president is not Donald Trump
“Why would we want to come to your shithole country?"
- Trevor Noah
Let us think for a moment about how beautiful of a country Norway is
And how beautiful people Norwegians are
It is place where cities are small, clean, well-organised and unpolluted
People come from all around the world to admire Norway’s stunning fjords and mountains, and its pristine nature
Norwegians themselves are quite beautiful, and that keeps many of us here!
The welfare system is one of the world’s most generous and provides the very best family support
Everyone is considered equal and very little social classes exist
There is a strong feeling of community where everyone is expected and willing to contribute to society
People respect each other, it is a peaceful place with little aggressiveness and low criminality
Norwegians are peaceful, helpful and trustful
They are often shy, reserved, well behaved, well organised, calm, efficient, pragmatic and serious
When Norwegians are sober, rigid norms frame their social interactions
This changes with alcohol and the contrast can be shocking
I wrote two social guidebooks about Norwegians
And hold lectures around the world
Also in Trump-USA
They usually let me enter
I am Canadian
Canada is not on the shithole country list yet
Book a lecture info@monda.no or through www.julien.tips