This song by the Norwegian band Postgirobygget
En Solskinnsdag
Gives a taste of Norwegian summers
"I'm watching girls with my sunglasses on
So nobody really sees where I look
The prettiest of the girls takes off her bra
And turns to me and say
Are you having a good time
Yes, thank you
I feel better than most present here
I smile every day"
Norwegian summers are fantastic
Three months where you can go out without a jacket
Even in T-shirt sometimes
Nights when temperature do not go below 20C are called "tropical nights" in Norway
It gives you an idea of how exotic 20C is for Norwegians
It happens a few times a year in a few lucky places
Norwegians enjoy the sunny days by the fjord
Between mountains and valleys
Sun produces similar effect as alcohol on Norwegians
They smile more
They talk more
They stand closer to each other
They look more happy
Sun brings Norwegians closer together for some months
Enjoy the Norwegians during the summer
Read more about our amazing Norwegian friends in Our Social Guidebooks to Norway
By Julien S. Bourrelle
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