Source: "The Social Guidebook to Norway"
Most Norwegians will have a tan today
And proud to show it to their colleagues
If you pay close attention you will see that not every Norwegian get the same acknowledgement from their tan
Those who have an equally distributed tan are not as proud and not praised as much
They sat in the sun either at home or abroad
These do not get so much attention
What you really need to show is that you worked to get your tan
This is the "suffering" part of the Norwegian culture
At Easter that means going many Norwegian "mil" (10km) on skis
You then get a special tan with darker reddish-brown marks distributed unevenly on your face
In addition to that you have a "skille" (demarcation) around your eyes dues to the sunglasses
If you look even more closely on these true Norwegian walking on barcode today
You will see that they also have a "skille" above their socks on their leg until their knees And from their wrist until between their elbow and shoulder
Happy return to work :)
Read more about our amazing Norwegian friends and help keep this project run by getting Our Social Guidebooks to Norway
By Julien S. Bourrelle
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